What’s a typical week of movement in your life?
I spend my Monday and Tuesday with my clients at Upstate, and then the following days I spend the time with myself, enjoying a class and being a client. I love walking as well, I think your 10,000 steps a day is super important so get them in!
What’s your favourite way to move your body?
My favourite way to move my body is by hitting the mat, I can’t beat it! I’ve always been addicted to the mat, but I also love to get some reformer in as well.
What is your no.1 tip to someone starting their fitness journey this year?
My no.1 tip would be to join a community where there are classes you can book into and also create those friendships to help keep you accountable, But also get your friends to join in with you and create your own little safe space.
What are some of your 2025 goals?
This year I really want to continue to grow the community that I have got within my clients and afar. I also really want to keep myself accountable by booking into classes and getting my 10,000 steps a day in with my dog.